We recommend watching the video above for step-by-step pressing instructions

Step-By-Step Application Instructions

  1. Position Your Patch: Once you know where you want to apply the patch, make sure the area is thoroughly cleaned before application. A clean surface will make the bond between the adhesive on the back of the patch and object stronger, leading to longer lasting results.
  2. Press: Firmly press with the palm of your hand for about 10-15 seconds allowing the patch to transfer with its adhesive backing. From there, you can push around the edges with your fingertips securing the patch in place.

Additional Details

Recommended Use

We recommend using peel and stick patches on hard goods, such as tool boxes, hardback notebooks, lunch boxes, etc. Peel and stick patches can also be applied to garments, but they will need to be removed before washing. Otherwise, the adhesive on the back of the patch will get damaged.

Temporary Use

These patches are intended for temporary use and should be removed before washing your garments.